You’re probably already aware that both skincare and supplements count.  

Here’s why: in the last few decades, life expectancy has increased, with greater numbers of people adopting lifestyles that put health at the forefront. The aim is for a long life characterized by vitality and wellness, with the maintenance of a youthful appearance with healthy skin. This is generally achieved by taking care of the body, skin, hair and nails, while at the same time, reinforcing health and immunity.

The approach to prevention and the maintenance of health translates to a lifestyle which includes the use of skincare and nutritional supplements, stemming from the simple fact that where a product cannot arrive with topical application, the other can arrive from within.

The use of nutritional supplements, not surprisingly, is expected to continue to grow, not just as a support to skin care use, but also for essential vitamins A and C, powerful antioxidants, carotenoids, and selenium, as well as supplements with a depurative action, especially on the skin.

As with skincare, finding the right supplements can be initially tricky. The best approach to supplementation is a personalized one, intended to support your individual needs and objectives.

When formulating a new supplement, our focus is on creating an effective and calibrated formula for the maximum benefit of our clients.  Creating a new formulation takes a great deal of know-how and time-intensive study and we are fortunate to possess our own in -house expertise. Our long botanical heritage and intimate understanding of natural ingredients are also key to formulating. As one example, someone new to formulating would not know that some active substances taken orally are not metabolized, while others do not manage to penetrate the skin.

Overall, the bilateral skin care and supplements approach offers a synergy that a unilateral approach simply cannot achieve.  Optimal results can be obtained with a correct approach combining supplements and skin care, starting with the synergistic effect of antioxidants for topical and oral use, which manage to contain the aggressions of UV radiation and photo-aging. A well-balanced diet, rich in nutritious foods, along with the use of skin care and specific supplements, can not only keep your skin looking its best, but it can also prevent undesired cutaneous effects and pathologies such as dermatitis.  Another incentive to eat better and take supplements is, in our eyes, always positive.

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