Scientific name: Primula veris. L

Common name: primula odorosa, primavera

English name: cowslip, oxslip.

Parts used: flowers.

Components: glucoside (from which primrose camphor is obtained, with the smell of anise and fennel, with a bittersweet taste).

Primula veris or officinalis, also called Primula Odorosa, is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant that grows spontaneously in meadows and woods in moderately humid soils. It is a protected species: Mattioli (1500 - 1577), Sienese physician and botanist, was the first to use the name Primula for this plant, one of the first to bloom, announcing Spring.

Carl von Linné (Species Plantarum) defined the scientific binomial: Primula veris.

Properties: anti-inflammatory, due to the richness of saponins which are important in the treatment of bruises, which quickly regress with the application of tablets soaked in its decoction.

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