Take care of beauty, let yourself be guided by your senses.

Skin care and Supplements

You’re probably already aware that both skincare and supplements count.  Here’s why: in the last few decades, life expectancy has increased, with greater numbers of people adopting lifestyles that put health at the forefront. 

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What’s in a grape

As Grape season has begun, and Tuscany celebrates the Vendemmia, we take a closer look at this marvelous fruit.

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Time to scrub

For healthy, glowing skin, exfoliation is key.  After long summer days, more probably than not, your skin is feeling a little parched, like it could use more hydration and smoothness.  Here is where a good exfoliating scrub comes in.

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Summer beauty

With Summer’s arrival, the beauty of nature is everywhere. The flowers, trees, and fresh produce all dazzle, as at no other time of year. Nature in Summer is not just alive; it's thriving, vivid, and abundant. In order for you to get the best out of this magnificent season, we’ve included some easy beauty and nutritional tips below. Here’s to you and happy and healthy skin all summer long! 

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Skin care errors to avoid

We’ve summed up some of the most common skin care errors here, so you won’t have to make them.  

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Moda uomo, anteprime di primavera

Moda uomo, anteprime di primavera

Shopping for Fragrance

Shopping for fragrance should be a fun, delightful process. As creators of fine fragrance, we’re sharing the following tips to help you when choosing a fragrance for yourself, for your home or as a gift.

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Knowing how to do a simple facial on yourself at home is one of life’s little pleasures. Whether you’re anticipating a special event, or simply longing for some quality me-time, the following easy steps are suitable for all skin types, especially normal to dry, dehydrated and mature skins, and only take around 10 to 15 minutes. 

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